How to choose a CRM for your photography business

Minnesota wedding photographer

If you’re a new business owner, you might be wondering “what is the best way to track my inquiries and manage my business?” The answer to this question is a good, quality, customer relationship management software – also known as a CRM.

So what is a CRM?

A CRM software is designed to help manage the back end of your business. There are a lot of really good CRMs out there, however, we use Dubsado because we find that it is a really easy-to-use and customizable platform. It’s a place to track and manage your clients when they inquire. It also has a lot of other capabilities such as email automation, contract management, electronic payment setup, sales tracking, profit analysis, and so much more.

What are the benefits of using a CRM?

  1. It keeps you organized: We are constantly getting inquires and over time they pile up. Essentially what our CRM does for us is it creates a “file” for each person who fills out our contact form and puts all of their information in once place.

  2. It saves you time: being able to set up workflows and automation saves SO much time and allows you to work ON your business no IN it. Save the administration work and focus on what inspires you and creating products and services to serve your clients well.

  3. It enhances the client experience: Because it saves you time and keeps you organized, it allows you to focus better on your clients and meet their needs. You will be able to respond sooner, know where they’re at in the process, and you won’t miss any communication pieces to ensure all steps are completed to “make the sale”.

  4. They’re not as expensive as you think: When I first heard about CRM’s I held off for SO long. I didn’t want to spend more money on something I could do myself. We literally ran our entire photography business off of a google sheet. We used it to track our payments and everything. It go super messy and it was a lot of files and links to click. When I found out that we could get Dubsado for just a couple hundred dollars per year I was like – you’re kidding me… why didn’t I know about this sooner?

Why we choose to use Dubsado

Each CRM is different and what we love about Dubsado is that we’re able to create our workflow and customize it to how we run our business so it can take care of a lot of the repetitive aspects to keep our business running. It is so great to be able to send our clients our photography packages with our email templates, making it easy to customize each one before sending. We love being able to send out contracts and invoices and have everything organized and set in one place. It also set’s up alerts for us when payments are due from clients and sends them automated reminder emails to ensure we are able to collect our payments. Also, one of my favorite parts, is it tracks and manages our income and expenses – we connect our CRM to Stripe and Quickbooks – which keeps everything all in one place for us.

Get The discount code!

If you’d like to try Dubsado for yourself, they have a free trial period where you can test and see if it’s what you want to use for your business. We also have a discount code for you if you’d like to give it a try and receive 20% off your first year subscription – use the discount code: LULLE

It's about helping you remember not only what it looked like, but also what it felt like through authentic and candid memories documented.

We value relationship with you above all else. We won't just show up as those people with the cameras "stalking you" all day.

Let us take you on a double date, support you throughout the planning season, and help you intentionally craft a day that doesn't just feel like one long photoshoot.

Our job as your wedding photographer and videographer is so much more than creating beautiful photos and films. 

Luke + Halle = Lulle

A husband and wife wedding photography & videography team

Luke + Halle = Lulle